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Types of Birth Control to Consider for Heavy Periods

Types of Birth Control to Consider for Heavy Periods

If your period is causing you to experience prolonged bleeding and heavy cramping every month, you might want to consider using or changing to a type of birth control that can lessen your symptoms and make your time of the month more bearable. 

At Physicians for Women - Melius, Schurr & Cardwell in Madison, Wisconsin, our team of gynecologic experts works with you to identify why you have heavy periods in the first place, and recommends birth control options that can help you live your best life.

What constitutes a “heavy period?”

Heavy menstrual bleeding is thought to affect anywhere from 27% to 54% of people who menstruate. This includes heavy periods, which can be identified if you have one or more of the following symptoms:

Heavy periods shouldn’t be ignored. You’re not supposed to be suffering every month. We can help.

Best birth control types for heavy periods

In many cases, heavy periods are caused by your hormones. Using the right kind of hormonal birth control can not only help protect against pregnancy, but can also lessen the duration, severity, and impact of your periods.

Two hormones that can get out of balance are estrogen and progestin. Most birth control pills contain either both hormones or progestin only. These can reduce the severity of your symptoms and make your periods lighter. Some women choose to take their birth control pills without breaks for periods, resulting in only light spotting or, for some, no periods at all.

If the pill isn’t sufficiently decreasing your symptoms, you have other birth control options for heavy periods:

All of these options have the advantage of helping prevent pregnancy while lightening your period. In many cases, women who choose the shot, a hormonal IUD, the patch, or the ring have only light occasional spotting or no periods at all.

Make an appointment to learn more about menorrhagia and your birth control options by calling 608-207-7007 or booking your consultation online.

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